mixed, any and asterisk

asterisk(*) vs any

  • Use *:
const foo: () => Array<*> = () => [777];

// Flow error:
// 13: const foo: () => Array<*> = () => [777];
//                                        ^ number. This type is incompatible with
// 15: (foo(): Array<string>);
//                   ^ string
(foo(): Array<string>);

// No flow errors.
(foo(): Array<number>);
  • Use any:
const bar: () => Array<any> = () => [777];

// No flow errors.
(bar(): Array<string>);

// No flow errors.
(bar(): Array<number>);



mixed vs asterisk(*)

  • Use mixed:
// Flow error:
// 1: const add5: (mixed) => number = a => a + 5;
//                                         ^ mixed. This type cannot be used in an addition because it is unknown whether it behaves like a string or a number.
const add5: mixed => number = value => value + 5;


When you try to use a value of a mixed type you must first figure out what the actual type is.

所以我們在進行+運算前,必須先確認valuenumber或是string。 官方文件範例是在運算前使用typeof value來確認型別。

  • Use *:
// No flow errors.
const add5: * => number = value => value + 5;

// No flow errors.
(add5(2): number);

// Flow error:
// 1: const add5: (*) => number = a => a + 5;
//                                     ^ string. This type is incompatible with
// 1: const add5: (*) => number = a => a + 5;
//                       ^ number
(add5('3'): number);


© 2019 Hau Chen